What are Dental Implants?
Dental implants consist of screws placed in the jawbone that act as roots or supports to hold a crown, bridge or denture in place on top. They are an effective, long-lasting replacement for missing teeth that can last for years with the correct care. Dental implants can be an alternative treatment to large fillings or root canal work, and can help straighten the natural teeth either side of them. They can also ease pain from an uneven bite and help achieve an aesthetically pleasing smile. Having dental implants installed can replace a single tooth, multiple teeth or even an entire set.
At Dental Implants Plus in Alderley Edge, our experts are extremely well-versed in the technology and techniques involved in dental implant surgery. The process takes a number of months, starting with an initial consultation when the patient’s measurements are taken and their options discussed. After that, the dentist surgically inserts a small titanium screw into the jawbone under local anaesthesia or IV sedation. The patient is then monitored for a few weeks to make sure the bone fuses cleanly around the implant. Once this stage is complete, a custom-made artificial tooth can be fixed permanently onto the implant.
Benefits of Dental Implants
One of the most important benefits to having a dental implant in Alderley Edge is the finished result looks and feels entirely natural. They can be treated exactly the same as your other, natural teeth and coexist without any problems. Dental implants can also prevent the bones in the face from moving and shrinking, which can occur with missing teeth. Dental implants are easy to live with, simple to keep clean and made to last several years when looked after properly.
Are Dental Implants Suitable for Me?
As with any type of medical procedure, dental implant surgery has its risks and benefits and each person’s case must be considered individually. There are several points to take into account when thinking about whether or not to opt for dental implant surgery, including the following:
No current or previous gum disease – gum disease is one of the leading causes of loose or missing teeth. For this reason, gums must be healthy and suitable for receiving an implant and artificial tooth Just like your natural teeth, if the gum becomes inflamed or infected, it will be more likely that the implant will become compromised and need to be removed.
Strong jawbone – if your jawbone does not have good bone density, dental implants will not be a good solution for you. The bone must be able to fuse strongly and cleanly with the titanium screw. Otherwise, any attempts to carry out dental surgery on an unhealthy or weak jawbone can lead to further problems down the line.
Good overall health – it is extremely important to have good overall health before your dental implant surgery in order to give yourself the best possible chances of a full and rapid recovery. You will need to consult with your GP and dental team to find out if you are able to have the surgery done, especially if you suffer from a chronic illness or have had radiation treatment in the area. Smoking has also been proven to have a detrimental impact on the healing process.
Why Choose Dental Implants Near Alderley Edge?
The dedicated team at Cheadle Village Dental Practice has extensive experience in carrying out implant dentistry and other cosmetic procedures, such as dentures, bridges, braces and crowns. We stay up to date with the latest industry developments to bring our patients the very best in implant services from single teeth to multiple implants and implant-supported dentures. Our entire team offers a calm, compassionate approach, offering patients reassurance and support at every stage.
Are You Missing a Single Tooth?
There can be many reasons why someone might lose a single tooth, from an accident or injury to a medical condition or low calcium levels. A gap in your smile can cause a loss of self-esteem and make you more anxious about socialising with people. Depending on the condition of your mouth and how quickly the bone fuses around the titanium screw, your tooth can be added relatively quickly after the implant is inserted. The best part? Your new tooth will look and feel just like the rest of your natural teeth and no one will even notice your new dental implant.
Do You have Multiple Missing Teeth?
Some people can lose two or more teeth at once, again either due to an accident or injury or a medical condition or gum disease. Missing multiple teeth can have a hugely negative impact on your social life, especially if they are at the very front of your mouth. Left untreated for a long time, this can cause more serious issues, even affecting the position of the teeth surrounding the gap. Dental implants can support a bridge of up to four teeth in a single row. You can have more than one screw and set of artificial teeth inserted in the case of more extensive issues.